We are a highly qualified Custom Picture Framer specializing in upper end
framing and preservation of old documents, memorabilia, needlework, fine
paper art as well as oil and acrylic paintings. We design and manufacture
custom picture frames from hand wrapped silk mats with gold leaf frames to
inexpensive metal poster frames.
Below are a few examples of our work and the various framing techniques we use.
This section of our web site is constantly updated displaying the unique frames and the artwork or
memories they contain.
Panorama di Firenze
Framing Examples
This Florentine cityscape is floated on a sage green mat. The same mat is raised above the image and creates depth. The gold fillet creates a frame within a frame effect. This portion is matted and floating on a cream mat. The frame used is a hand crafted Italian moulding. The gold trim compliments the fillet, and its painted section of the frame has many of the tones found in the image. This works well to create a larger piece out of a small image.
For more information regarding this piece, please call us at 805.542.9000 or send an email to examples@sloart.com
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